Life Made Simple

Life Made Simple

The beginning of the week always feels a bit overwhelming at first. It starts to seem like the days are flying, no, zooming right on by, like wasn’t it just Wednesday? So much for hoping Hump Day would put a speed bump in things for ya! The good news is, you’re not alone. Many of us share in your suffering, so find some form in relief in knowing you’re not going crazy, we feel your pain.

For the days life seems to be a bit too much, your mind is racing a million miles per minute and everything is spinning at the speed of light – go back to the basics. Just. Breathe. Draw in the deepest breath you can take in and then hold it for four seconds before releasing, giving yourself another four seconds to completely deflate your lungs. Then, repeat. Works like a charm every time and regardless of what you choose to believe, the reasoning behind it is scientific, factual, and utterly true.

Breath is the basis of our lives, is it not? We cannot function without breathing in air, there is no point in arguing that. Yet, how is that so? In the beginning, when God created Man and (womb)an, He did so in His image by “breathing” life into Adam. That ‘Holy Breath’ is very significant in the Koran as it symbolizes the ‘Holy Spirit’ from the Bible as well. If you’re familiar with the expression, “Be Still & Know that I Am God,” then you probably recognize this statement coincides best when used within the context of prayer or meditation. The connection here is to sit in silent meditation, or prayer, and simply breathe. Being still and knowing that you are God. Then once you begin to truly realize the magnitude of that statement as a fact, then everything else begins to feel minuscule in a sense. It’s easy to get lost in the sauce, we are only human after all. But we must remember that we are Spirit first, and the Spirit is clothed in Soul. The Soul is then draped in the flesh which tethers us into the physical plane. If we cannot harness control over our own selves, then that is where we must first start. Once we master ourselves then nothing is impossible for us in this existence. To know oneself is to truly know God.

I am not here to convince you of anything, and it is pretty weird that I would have to with all the evidence and proof in front of you, and even inside you, right this moment. The age of enlightenment is upon us, and it is just as thrilling as it is frightening. We are discovering many of the stigmas that we were raised on were all only just that, and that dogmas had distorted the truths behind all that really is.

What is something you grew up believing, only to discover we were taught about it in a very misleading light all this time? Feel free to share any experiences with us that may relate to this topic as we would love to keep the conversation going in the comments! You would be amazed at how all the pieces fit back together into the pie.


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